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Time for reading glasses???

Presbyopia is the gradual loss of your eye’s ability to focus on nearby objects. The condition begins to manifest around the age of 40 and continues to develop until about 65. As you get older, you may notice objects that are close by are blurry and out of focus and that you have a tendency to hold reading material out at arm’s length to better discern the text.

This condition is caused by the loss of flexiblity in the lens that focuses light onto the retina. Normally, this lens is very flexible and changes its shape to focus light depending on if you are looking into the distance, or at something nearby. Naturally, as we age, this lens hardens and becomes less flexible. As the lens loses flexiblility, it can no longer effectively change shape to properly focus light and nearby images begin to appear out of focus.

If you are beginning to experience symptons such as blurry vision at reading distance or eyestrain after prolonged close work, call or stop by @Metroptical and schedule an eye examination. If you are affected by presbyopia, you can benefit from a pair of reading or progressive glasses that will be able compensate for the reduced lens flexibility and get you back to operating normally.
